(912) 236-2416

Residential Louvered and Retractable Roofs

A roof when you need it, open sky when you don’t.

Need durable protection from UV rays and rain with the freedom to enjoy the sunshine when you want to? Louvered and residential retractable roofs from Coastal Canvas Products provide the best of both worlds.

Retractable roofs from premier partners such as Corradi USA and KE Outdoor Design are ideal for:

  • Large Patio Areas
  • Enclosed Pool Areas
  • Outdoor Home Theaters

Consider this solution for any area on your residential property where you want to enjoy outdoor living in good weather and protect the property you store there when you’re away.

Fully-Convertible Outdoor/Indoor Spaces

With a Coastal Canvas Products residential retractable roof, you can safely store your patio furniture, outdoor electronics and other valuable property without worrying about sun or rain damage.

Then, when the sun is out and you want to enjoy the space - or it’s a beautiful, starry night - you can easily retract the roof and enjoy the outdoors. 

fully convertible outdoor
deck enclosed patio

Convert Your Deck Into An Enclosed Patio ... and Back

Open deck areas can be easily enclosed when retractable roofs are combined with patio enclosure solutions, such as porch curtains.

With the push of one button, you can extend the roof over the deck area. Push another and lower mesh screens or vinyl sheets to create a permeable or semi-impermeable barrier.

Put a Roof on Your Pergola (When You Want It)

Make the most of your pergola year-round by installing a retractable roof overhead. 

Extend your retractable roof over the pergola to provide protection from rain or harmful UV rays. Retract it again when you want to let the sun in.


Protect Your Outdoor Property

The sun's UV rays can severely damage and fade patio furniture, exterior carpet, porch curtains and upholstery. Rain and hail can damage furniture as well as outdoor home theater equipment.;

Retractable roofs are the ideal solution, providing the protection you need over your outdoor property. No need to cover or move anything indoors. Just push the button and your roof appears!

Get Started with Retractable Roofs

Request your free estimate for residential retractable roofs today!


We would welcome the opportunity to provide an estimate for your project. Please call our office at 912-236-2416 or submit your information in the form below and we will contact you soon to discuss any further details needed in order to process your estimate.


Residential awning
Commercial awning
Metal canopies
Tension structures
Shade sails
Storm protection
Industrial products
Flags & flag poles
Umbrellas & cabanas
Signage & graphics
Powder Coating

Louvered and Retractable Roofs Gallery

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We Make More Than Shade

Let's Get Started

1674 Chatham Parkway Savannah, Georgia 31405. Phone: (912) 236-2416. Open Monday to Friday 8am-5pm.

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